English for american studies. The delectable speaker

Riferimento: 9788875435066

Editore: Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina
Autore: Mitrano Mena
In commercio dal: 30 Novembre 2021
Pagine: 122 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788875435066
16,00 €
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English for american studies. The delectable speaker

English for american studies. The delectable speaker



Especially designed for students in the English-speaking BA curriculum outside the United States, English for American Studies: The Delectable Speaker banks on the imaginative and theoretical potential of the language encounter to transform the undergraduate language classroom into a workshop of ideas. Approaching the language of the US enables learners to reflect on their own relation to language not only as a set of forms but also as an affective reality. It includes the following chapters: 1) Awareness; 2) From Bodies to Neighbors: The Origin of the Intercultural Landscape; 3) Language: The Strange Relation; 4) Imagining American English: A Historical Overview; 5) Contact Zones; 6) The Speaking Subject, two appendices on linguistic structures and an apparatus of study questions, general review questions, peer learning sessions, and close reading practice.